Drive with Care Foundation Donor Privacy Policy

Drive with Care Foundation respects the privacy of its donors and is committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all fundraising efforts. This Donor Privacy Policy guides our staff on the use of personal information that is collected both online and offline.

Collection and Use of Personal Information
We collect and store personal information from our donors such as: name, address, telephone number, email address, donation dates, amount donated, and payment information (including credit card numbers and expiry dates), where applicable.

We use the collected information to:

  • Process donations and provide donors with receipts.
  • Send thank-you letters to our donors.
  • Inform donors about upcoming events, activities, and impact of their donations.
  • Internal analysis, such as fundraising performance evaluation.
  • Report to relevant U.S. and State agencies as required by law.

Protection and Security of Personal Information

Drive with Care Foundation maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in keeping with industry standards and practices, and we review and adjust these safeguards regularly in response to advances in technology. These measures are implemented to protect against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of your personal information.

Non-disclosure of Personal Information

Drive with Care Foundation will not sell, trade, rent, or share your personal information with third parties, except when a service provider is securing specific services on our behalf, or when legally required to do so. We do not send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.

Use of Third-Party Services

We may partner with other companies to process secure transactions. While we endeavor to choose reliable partners, their privacy policies and practices may differ from ours. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these third-party companies before making a donation.

Use of Donor Information

Information will be used for internal purposes only, such as tracking demographic data to improve our fundraising efforts. Donor names may be included in publications or listings, but donors have the right to request anonymity.

Opting Out

Drive with Care Foundation respects your desire for privacy and makes it easy for you to opt out of receiving future communications. If you do not want to receive communications, please submit your request to

Changes to the Donor Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we do, we will note the last update at the bottom of this policy.


If you have questions about this Donor Privacy Policy or if you wish to review personal information we may have about you, correct factual errors, remove your details from our database, or inquire about our form of management of personal information, you can contact us at